
Unknown Custom Element: - Did You Register The Component Correctly?

I copied code from Vuetify Data Iterator Filter function

I tin use other Vuetify components like v-btn, 5-bill of fare, v-data-tabular array, 5-data-iterator, etc.

Only <v-list-item> and <v-list-item-title> throw errors.

I take no idea what is going on.

Fault messages:

[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <v-listing-item> - did y'all register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "proper name" option

[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <5-list-item-title> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.


          <template>   <div class="container">     <five-container fluid filigree-list-md style="padding: 0">       <5-information-iterator         :items="items"         :items-per-page.sync="itemsPerPage"         :folio="folio"         :search="search"         :sort-by="sortBy.toLowerCase()"         :sort-desc="sortDesc"         hide-default-footer       >         <template v-slot:header>           <v-toolbar dark colour="blueish darken-3" class="mb-1">             <5-text-field               five-model="search"               clearable               flat               solo-inverted               hide-details               prepend-inner-icon="search"               label="Search"             ></5-text-field>             <template 5-if="$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp">               <v-spacer></five-spacer>               <v-select                 v-model="sortBy"                 flat                 solo-inverted                 hide-details                 :items="keys"                 prepend-inner-icon="search"                 label="Sort by"               ></v-select>               <v-spacer></v-spacer>               <v-btn-toggle 5-model="sortDesc" mandatory>                 <v-btn large depressed color="blueish" :value="faux">                   <5-icon>arrow_upward</v-icon>                 </v-btn>                 <v-btn large depressed color="blue" :value="true">                   <five-icon>arrow_downward</v-icon>                 </v-btn>               </v-btn-toggle>             </template>           </five-toolbar>         </template>          <template v-slot:default="props">           <5-layout wrap>             <5-flex v-for="item in props.items" :key="" xs12 sm6 md4 lg3>               <5-card>                 <v-card-title class="subheading font-weight-bold">{{ }}</v-card-championship>                  <v-divider></v-divider>                  <v-list dense>                   <v-listing-item                     v-for="(fundamental, alphabetize) in filteredKeys"                     :key="index"                     :color="sortBy === key ? `blue lighten-4` : `white`"                   >                     <v-listing-item-content>{{ key }}:</v-listing-item-content>                     <v-listing-detail-content class="align-end">{{ item[fundamental.toLowerCase()] }}</v-list-item-content>                   </five-list-detail>                 </v-list>               </v-card>             </v-flex>           </v-layout>         </template>          <template v-slot:footer>           <v-layout mt-two wrap align-middle justify-centre>             <span class="gray--text">Items per page</bridge>             <v-menu offset-y>               <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">                 <v-btn night text colour="primary" class="ml-2" v-on="on">                   {{ itemsPerPage }}                   <five-icon>keyboard_arrow_down</v-icon>                 </five-btn>               </template>               <v-listing>                 <5-listing-item                   v-for="(number, index) in itemsPerPageArray"                   :cardinal="index"                   @click="updateItemsPerPage(number)"                 >                   <v-listing-detail-championship>{{ number }}</v-listing-item-championship>                 </v-list-detail>               </v-list>             </v-menu>              <v-spacer></v-spacer>              <span class="mr-4 gray--text">Page {{ page }} of {{ numberOfPages }}</span>             <five-btn fab dark color="blue darken-3" grade="mr-1" @click="formerPage">               <v-icon>keyboard_arrow_left</5-icon>             </v-btn>             <v-btn fab dark color="blueish darken-three" class="ml-ane" @click="nextPage">               <v-icon>keyboard_arrow_right</v-icon>             </v-btn>           </v-layout>         </template>       </v-data-iterator>     </v-container>   </div> </template>                  


          export default {   data() {     render {       itemsPerPageArray: [4, eight, 12],       search: "",       filter: {},       sortDesc: fake,       folio: 1,       itemsPerPage: 4,       sortBy: "name",       keys: [         "Proper name",         "Calories",         "Fat",         "Carbs",         "Protein",         "Sodium",         "Calcium",         "Fe"       ],       items: [         {           proper name: "Frozen Yogurt",           calories: 159,           fat: 6.0,           carbs: 24,           protein: 4.0,           sodium: 87,           calcium: "14%",           atomic number 26: "1%"         },         {           name: "Ice cream sandwich",           calories: 237,           fat: 9.0,           carbs: 37,           protein: four.3,           sodium: 129,           calcium: "8%",           iron: "1%"         },         {           name: "Eclair",           calories: 262,           fat: 16.0,           carbs: 23,           poly peptide: 6.0,           sodium: 337,           calcium: "6%",           iron: "7%"         },         {           name: "Cupcake",           calories: 305,           fat: 3.7,           carbs: 67,           protein: 4.3,           sodium: 413,           calcium: "iii%",           fe: "8%"         },         {           name: "Gingerbread",           calories: 356,           fat: 16.0,           carbs: 49,           protein: 3.9,           sodium: 327,           calcium: "vii%",           fe: "xvi%"         },         {           name: "Jelly bean",           calories: 375,           fat: 0.0,           carbs: 94,           protein: 0.0,           sodium: 50,           calcium: "0%",           iron: "0%"         },         {           name: "Lollipop",           calories: 392,           fatty: 0.2,           carbs: 98,           protein: 0,           sodium: 38,           calcium: "0%",           iron: "ii%"         },         {           name: "Honeycomb",           calories: 408,           fat: 3.two,           carbs: 87,           protein: 6.5,           sodium: 562,           calcium: "0%",           iron: "45%"         },         {           name: "Donut",           calories: 452,           fatty: 25.0,           carbs: 51,           protein: 4.9,           sodium: 326,           calcium: "2%",           iron: "22%"         },         {           proper name: "KitKat",           calories: 518,           fat: 26.0,           carbs: 65,           protein: vii,           sodium: 54,           calcium: "12%",           atomic number 26: "half dozen%"         }       ]       // value: true     };   },   computed: {     numberOfPages() {       return Math.ceil(this.items.length / this.itemsPerPage);     },     filteredKeys() {       return this.keys.filter(primal => cardinal !== `Name`);     }   },   methods: {     nextPage() {       if ( + 1 <= this.numberOfPages) += 1;     },     formerPage() {       if ( - 1 >= 1) -= 1;     },     updateItemsPerPage(number) {       this.itemsPerPage = number;     }   }, };                  

Output screenshot:

Every bit you can see, other components are working well...

enter image description here

I read the Vuetify Quick Starting time again and make sure I install Vuetify correctly.

Below is src\plugins\vuetify.js file

          import Vue from 'vue' import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib' import 'vuetify/src/stylus/app.styl'  Vue.use(Vuetify, {   iconfont: 'medico', })                  

and src\main.js

          import Vue from "vue"; import firebase from './components/firebaseInit'; import App from "./App.vue"; import router from "./router"; import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify' // path to vuetify export  Vue.config.productionTip = imitation;  let app = '';  // initialize the Vue app but when we are sure Firebase is initialized firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(() => {   if (!app) {     app = new Vue({       vuetify,       router,       render: h => h(App)     }).$mount("#app");        } });                  

I tried to import the components manually only still, the aforementioned errors occurred:

          import { VListItem, VListItemTitle } from "vuetify/lib";  consign default {   components: {     '5-listing-particular': VListItem,     'v-list-item-title': VListItemTitle   }, ... }                  

I as well tried:

  1. Remove .node_modules folder
  2. Run npm update
  3. Run npm install

Still the aforementioned errors. I also searched a lot of related posts but no luck.

Unknown Custom Element: - Did You Register The Component Correctly?,


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