Epitome via EA

Although Apex Legends may get new map rotations and new modes, ane matter that has remained constant since its release is the modest, yet annoying party fellow member preloading mistake. This is essentially when a squad of multiple players cannot brainstorm some other match due to the disability to start a game. Players will see this most often when having already played several matches with the same group of members. Although information technology isn't articulate what activates this fault, there are a few relatively simple workarounds.

Exit the foyer or application

The fastest fix to this preloading upshot is to simply disband the party and return to the chief bill of fare, every bit the anteroom y'all are in may be the cause of the problem. Nevertheless, if the error persists, information technology is all-time that all players shut down the Noon Legends application and open up information technology support again. Although it is a hassle, this has get the best possible solution since the trouble first came to be.

Restart your console or PC

If you are too unable to interact with the game or system'south menus, there is a chance that your device has frozen during the queuing process. In this case, you will demand to completely shut downwardly your platform before turning it on and booting upwards the game. Still, if you experience frequent freezing while in lobbies, it is probably best to file your fault with EA's back up team.